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Prolotherapy Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

By Steven Meier

Regenerative medicine is changing the way orthopedic injuries and chronic pain are treated. Prolotherapy is a category of treatments where damaged and deteriorated connective tissue is injected with a solution in order to promote an enhanced healing response. Dr. Steven Meier, an orthopedic surgeon and prolotherapy Los Angeles expert at Meier Orthopedic Sports and Regenerative Medicine in Beverly Hills, is using regenerative medicine to treat a range of conditions.


The main types of prolotherapy in Los Angeles include:

  • Classic Dextrose

The affected joint or connective tissue is injected with a combination saline/dextrose solution.

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

This treatment utilizes the growth factors found in platelets to produce concentrated levels to stimulate enhanced healing and recovery.

Stem Cell Prolotherapy

Mesenchymal stem cells can be used to help regenerate connective tissue to aid in healing and recovery from many joint and connective tissue injuries.

Also known as proliferative injection therapy, the procedure can help to strengthen injured soft tissue by causing the formation of new blood vessels, therefore triggering a natural healing response.

Potential Benefits of Prolotherapy and Regenerative Medicine for Orthopedic Conditions

Every patient and injury are different, and therefore, no two patients will respond to treatment or suffer symptoms of an injury in quite the same way. One of the benefits of regenerative medicine treatments is that by using a patient’s own blood and stem cells to formulate treatment, the risks for side effects can potentially be reduced as patients are exposed to the natural healing elements of their own body.

Some of the potential benefits of the treatment include:

  • Reduction joint pain
  • Increase strength of connective tissue and joints
  • Reduce injury recurrence
  • Improved mobility or return to normal function

Dr. Steven Meier
Steven Meier

Dr. Steven Meier is a renowned board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in regenerative sports medicine and arthroscopic surgery. Dr. Meier believes in treating each patient individually according to their needs.


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